Client Case Study: Mathew Stone Carpentry

Mathew Stone Carpentry Web Design

Our team has just finished up this website for Mathew Stone Carpentry. Mathew Stone is located in Ormeau on the Gold Coast. It is great small business that is well connected to the local community.

Mathew had a great logo already completed. He wanted a website that showcased his work and connection to the local community.

He wanted his logo throughout the site and to maintain the same colour scheme. His logo has an icon which is 3 chevrons. They kinda form a roof like image. He wanted this icon embedded through the site. We used this icon as the hamburger menu for the mobile version. He also wanted animated moving fading version of the icon. We created an animation that completed this objective while scrolling through the site.

The client wanted to communicate his dedication to the community. He is actively involved in supporting many local initiatives including sponsoring local sports athletes.

If your business needs a website then get in touch with our team to see how Liberty Digital can assist you with a website.

Picture of Adam James
Adam James

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